Buy a house in Italy with residence abroad: what benefits can you get?

Staletti - Calabria, Italy
Staletti – Calabria, Italy

First home bonus for moving abroad

Many speak of brain drain, describing this phenomenon as a all Italian “curse”. However, this is often accompanied by another equally frightening factor: bureaucracy. In fact, when young people emigrate for work, they have to face a thousand quibbles not only in their new country, but also in their own homeland.

This is also the case of those who intend to buy a house, while maintaining their residence outside Italy. In this case, however, there are straightforward and easily implemented solutions.

In fact, if this is the first property owned, it is possible to enjoy the same tax advantages that a citizen resident in our country would have.

Let’s see what are the steps to follow.

A clarification on AIRE registration

Many people think that in order to buy your first home in Italy, you must be registered with AIRE (Anagrafe Italiani residenti all’estero). But this is a mistaken belief: in fact, seasonal workers, military personnel, diplomats and all those who have spent less than 12 months abroad are excluded.

If you fall into these categories then you only need to fill in a self-certification when you draw up the deed of purchase.

Residence abroad and home purchase

In general, the buyer is required to transfer within 18 months the residence in the municipality of the property declared as “first home”. Alternatively, this can also be the place where the person regularly carries out his activity.

If, however, we are talking about an individual who has moved permanently abroad, it is sufficient that the house purchased in his name is the first one he owns on Italian territory. In this case, the buyer can take advantage of the reduction of the VAT rate, which stands at 4%, as well as all the other benefits that we have discussed in this guide dedicated to the subject.

The limits of the facilitation

You can enjoy the benefits provided that the property purchased does not fall within the luxury real estate, indicated by the cadastral codes A1, A8 and A9. It is also not possible to claim rights on other homes, even if shared with other people. For example, it is not possible to own one in communion with a spouse or relative.

Similarly, those who enjoy usufruct or bare ownership are also excluded. In order to complete the transaction, it is therefore necessary to present declarations of “non-possession” that can confirm that you do not fall into this category.

However, it is acceptable if the old property is sold within one year of the deed.

You still have to pay the property tax, IMU on average from three to five hundred € per year.


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