Increase the value of your home in Italy and elsewhere

Ancona - Italy
Ancona – Italy

What increases the value of a property: Here are some of the most useful interventions.

From the renovation of rooms to energy certification, here are the most useful interventions to increase the value of your house or apartment and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Space is never enough.

When the surface of a house can not be changed, how can this limit be solved? One of the added values ​​of a home is certainly the ability to be ready for any need or unforeseen: from the arrival of an extra person (be it a baby or an elderly parent) to the sudden need to work at home. the House. With the help of an expert, it will be much easier to rethink the premises and optimize the spaces to get an extra room. Simply divide a very spacious room, or badly cut, into two different rooms and you will get a second bathroom, a room for guests, or a small studio to devote to work from home! If the house is not big enough for this type of intervention, something can be the use of a sliding door that can still guarantee privacy.

Restructure the most used parts

Renewing the most used spaces of the house, such as the living room, kitchen and bathroom will give the impression of a well maintained home. Operations that can give the rooms a whole new atmosphere: for example, the coating of walls with soft colors illuminates the rooms and gives them a much larger and more spacious appearance.

Outdoor spaces

Outdoor spaces are an excellent business card! Fortunately, this is the right time for interventions concerning the layout of green spaces. From the renovation of the terrace to the garden design: the green bonus, launched in the budget law of 2018, is a tax benefit that allows Irpef (income tax) to deduct an amount equal to 36% of their expenses related to the maintenance of green spaces.

Thermal insulation

Carpentry maintenance has an influence on the cost savings of heating and cooling the house, as well as the insulation of the walls with the thermal layer or the installation of solar panels allow a considerable saving in the energy bill. Energy efficiency measures have benefits not only in terms of well-being, but also in terms of savings: a cost-effective and sustainable solution that will appeal to potential buyers.

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