The map of INPS real estate at auction in September 2021

The map of INPS (the Italian social security agency) properties at auction in September 2021

The real estate divestment plan for INPS assets continues. After the session last May, between 22 and 30 September other apartments and commercial premises will be auctioned in Lombardy, Veneto, Lazio, Tuscany and Marche. We prepared a map with some of the most interesting properties that will be offered for sale. Let’s see all the useful info to submit an offer.
Among the properties owned by INPS that will be auctioned there are not only apartments but also several commercial premises and a real estate complex. The real estate offer in Rome is particularly large.

The auctions will be carried out for single lots, each consisting of one or more units including any appliances and accessories. The properties will be put up for sale as a whole, in the state of fact, law, maintenance and consistency in which they are, with all pertinence of ownership, existing systems, active and passive easements where existing.

Auctions via the web

For each lot, the deadline for submitting the offer is specified in the specific property sheet. The properties in question will be sold through the Notarial Auctions Network (RAN), the computer system created by the National Council of Notaries for the management of telematic auctions. Through the connection from notary offices throughout the Italian territory, in fact, it is possible for interested parties to participate in auctions via the web, being able to make bids even hundreds of km from the property, breaking down territorial barriers with the guarantee and safety of the notary.

The Notarial Auctions Network (RAN) is characterized by:

  • Security by eliminating the risk of disturbances and cloning; traceability of the deeds and of the subjects participating in the procedure and application of the anti-money laundering legislation;
  • Accessibility for citizens who can participate through notary offices located throughout the territory;
  • Transparency as the actors of the system attend, in real time, all the events;
  • Orientation of citizens who can request legal, fiscal or practical information from notaries.

How can I participate in a notarial telematic auction? A person interested in buying a property will no longer have to go to the professional where the auction is held, but can go to any notary’s office that is a member of the RAN to deposit the deposit and make bids.

Subsequently, on the day and at the time established by the notice, the citizen will go to the office of the notary where he has submitted the offer. During the auction session, which will take place via the web by connecting all the notaries together, the notary will take care to communicate to all the participants present, the offers from all over Italy, so that everyone is aware of how the auction is taking place, and make bids if you deem it.

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