The 2016 country reputation ranking
The countries with the highest reputation worldwide have been ranked by the Reputation Institute in its annual Country RepTrak index.
A ranking to be proud of
According to the Reputation Institute, Italy ranks 12th. This is great, if you are to consider that there are about 200 countries in the world and Italy ranks better than Germany (18th), France (15th), United Kingdom (13th) and Japan (14th) to name a few.
The attractiveness of its touristic resorts and the quality of his exports are the two factors that most contributed to Italy’s top ranking.
However, Italy’s ranking is average if you consider the European countries altogether. Indeed, among the ten top ranking countries, seven are European. They are mostly northern countries with high per capita income and standard of living. I would say that Scandinavia is a top performer, since all the countries of this peninsula rank among the top 10, with Sweden ranking first. This comes to no surprise for anybody who knows these countries.
You can look at the complete rankings below, with the United States ranking rather poorly, and the 28th place.
The criteria for evaluating the reputation of a country
Contributor to global culture • High quality products & services • Well-educated and reliable workforce • Well-known brands • Values education • Technologically advanced.