Real estate investing in Italy, what’s changing

STEFANO Boeri has a new friend and he is a blackbird who serenely pecks on his balcony (the architect does not live in his vertical forest, but in a building in the center of Milan). In empty cities, animals lose their shyness, yesterday in Pavia there were two deers strolling in front of shop windows. […]

Italy: Investing in real estate? Yes, but prioritizing quality

The Coronavirus forced us on the one hand to rethink the organization of the home in order to meet the needs of the whole family (space for smart working, for physical activity, for lessons and children’s tasks) on the other a reflect on the future: is real estate an asset you should still invest in? […]

Italian city centers increasingly coveted by real estate investors

Italians, but also foreigners, tend to buy apartments in cities, preferring them to vacation second homes. Italians, but also foreigners, tend to buy fewer apartments in tourist areas for themselves or as an investment, preferring to buy apartments in cities. With yields that sometimes even reach 7% per year, property investments attract more and more […]

Italy: houses to renovate, quite a smart investment

In Italy, approximately one property in five is to be renovated. There is therefore a very wide range of houses and apartments to renovate, at very attractive prices. Italy: is buying a house to renovate a good investment? To date, the answer is yes, at least according to an analysis by Corriere della Sera, from […]

The coronavirus crisis could boost real estate in southern Italy

Southern Italy, a dream vacation place The sea is magnificent, the food, among the cheapest in Europe, is delicious, people are welcoming and hospitable, and have a certain joie de vivre. The number of people who got sick with coronavirus in southern Italy is an average hundred times inferior to the number of cases registered […]

A client’s advice: “A total professional & a great guy!”

Subject: A total professional & a great guy!Dear Marco,You are a wonderful man and we do not know what we would have done without you, certainly the outcome of our case would have been very different. You turned a desperate and miserable situation into a positive outcome and secured the sale of my disabled mother’s […]

Buying real estate to renovate in Italy, a good deal!

If we look at real estate ads in Italy, we see that roughly 10 to 15% of ads refer to real estate to renovate, with significant variations from one city to another. In some regions, such as Liguria, most of the buildings are over 60 years old. Nevertheless, the foundations, the walls, everything that is […]

Italy: effects of global warming on real estate investment

Global warming will change the real estate investment situation, causing a gradual loss of value of buildings in the areas most exposed to its effects. The effects of heat waves Cities, but also tourist resorts more exposed to heat waves will suffer a devaluation of their buildings. Take the case of a city like Bologna, […]

Houses for sale at 1 €, 2020 updated list of municipalities

Houses at 1 euro in 2020, list of municipalities that sell them. Which municipalities are currently planning to sell houses for one euro? According to the latest news, the 2020 municipalities in which it is possible to buy houses for one euro, with a subsequent restructuring plan for the revitalization of the property itself, are: […]

She bought home in Italy for 1 €, and tells how happy she is

Cecilia Solari, a woman from Argentina who bought a house for one euro in Sicily: “I want to live here” Cecilia Solari, a woman from Argentina, is one of the new inhabitants of Mussomeli, a small town of 10,000 inhabitants in the province of Caltanissetta. Here, the administration has sold vacant houses for one euro […]

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