Notre nouvelle maison dans les Pouilles

Nous avons acheté un terrain dans les Pouilles pour y construire une maison. Nous savions comment nous y prendre en France mais en Italie les choses se sont révélées très différentes. Lorsque nous avons croisé notre premier problème, nous avons eu la chance qu’un ami nous conseille Marco Marragia. Depuis il nous aide à chaque étape.  Il a toujours été très disponible et  a toujours trouvé une solution à nos problèmes (relation voisinage, mairie, entreprise, assurance, urbanisme, enquêtes diverses, contrat…). Dans nos rapports difficiles avec les entreprises il a su trouvé le juste ton pour parler avec eux. Nous regrettons vraiment beaucoup de ne pas avoir démarrer avec lui dès l’achat du terrain et le choix de l’entreprise. Se faire assister d’un avocat est finalement indispensable d’autant plus que Marco est beaucoup plus qu’un avocat. Aurélia  Hornecker & Emmanuel Nessi, France. We bought land in Puglia to build a house. We knew how to do it in France, but in Italy things have been very different. When we ran into our first issue, we were fortunate that a friend advises us Marragia Marco. Since then, he helps us at every step. He has always been very available, helpful and has always found a solution to our problems (neighborhood relationship, town hall, business, insurance, urban planning, various surveys, contracts, …). In our difficult relationship with the companies he has found the right tone to speak with them. We really regret not having started with him from the land purchase and the choice of the company. Have the assistance of a lawyer is ultimately essential especially since Marco is more than a lawyer. Aurélia  Hornecker & Emmanuel Nessi, France.

What attracts foreign investment to Italy

Foreign investment in Italy, latest trends There are several factors that could have a positive effect on the attractiveness of Italy, but the necessary reforms must be carried out. Italy is becoming less and less attractive to foreign investors. The country loses positions in international rankings, and the AIBE index, developed by Censis (the National Research Institute) with the Association of Foreign Banks, is down to 40.3, from 47.8 in 2016. Being given that 100 is the maximum value, Italy is therefore considered to be a country where investing is not very practical: among the main causes are the tax burden, the slow times of the civil and regulatory bureaucracy and the justice. The most attractive are China and Germany, followed by the United States and India. Nevertheless, we can remain optimistic However, there are several factors that could have a positive effect on the attractiveness of Italy, from the Industry Program 4.0. Even Brexit could favor Italy, while the Trump Presidency is seen as a negative factor, as well as domestic political instability. Strengths remain for fashion and luxury investors (91.3%), food (60.9%) and mechanics (60.9%). They are followed by tourism and pharmaceuticals. Among the internal factors, of great importance is the quality of human resources. The main mode of investment is indicated in the merger and acquisition, for the prestige of its brands, the quality of products and services and the acquisition price considered relatively low. It is hardly the case to note that even real estate prices are relatively cheap, especially in some areas. Residences on the sea front can be found around 1000 € per square meter, especially in the south of the peninsula. In short, Censis concludes, Italy’s external perception is better for the country’s structural aspects such as human resources, infrastructure, the banking system and the flexibility of the labor market. While investors remain chilly in view of the aspects that involve the public administration. What slows down investment may disappear in the long run If we look at the last administrative elections in mid-June, the extremist parties lost ground. This could allow the governing parties to carry out the reforms that Italy needs. On what Italy should bet to improve their “convenience framework”, as defined by the Censis survey? For the vast majority of respondents (who are entrepreneurs, managers, banks and foreign correspondents), it is essential to continue the reforms: 72% declare it. The reform of public administration, the simplification and certainty of a more effective fiscal policy, the reform of the civil justice, continue to return to the center of the concerns of the foreign investors.

Purchasing real estate at the judicial auction in Italy

Property can be purchased at bargain prices at judicial auctions Given that the financial situation of more than 10% of Italian families is rather precarious or disastrous, with many foreclosures, the amount of real estate offered at auction is very important. So there is a way to do good business, often well below the market price of the property sold at auction. The assistance of a real estate lawyer is valuable because these goods are sold as they are, no recourse is possible in case of hidden defects or monetary obligations regarding the property, which will be borne by the purchaser. What are judicial real estate sales Judicial auction sales are the instrument by which the judicial authority sells assets of foreclosures, bankruptcies, etc. All except the debtor, may participate in judicial sales without the assistance of a lawyer or other professional (art.579 of the Code of Civil Procedure). The goods are generally estimated by experts appointed by the Court. In addition to the price of the hammer, purchasers pay the sales tax and taxes, if any. The sale takes place in the situation where the real estate is located and is not subject to the rules regarding the guarantee against defects or lack of quality, nor will be resolved without reason. The existence of any defect, the lack of quality or non-conformity of the thing sold will not give rise to any refund. The property is sold in the state of law in which it is and you acquire it as it is. Numbers may not respect cadastral compliance, construction may even be unauthorized. That is why the assistance of an Italian real estate lawyer is almost indispensable. Rules of sale of real estate at auction The following guidelines are of a general nature and vary according to the practices and regulations adopted by the competent Court. ALWAYS MUST BE REPORTED to the information in the order AND / OR SALES PROCESS on hold. Presentation of offers to the auction without direct verbal auction Offers must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed, in sales made personally by the execution of the judge, to the Executions Section or to the Commercial Delegate of the competent court according to the schedule and content following the notice of sale and established by the law and by the competent court. The offer on stamped paper (with stamp affixed) must contain: Name, date and place of birth, social security number, address, marital status, telephone number of the person paying the property, who will also be present at the hearing set for sale, or via its attorney. If the tenderer is married under a legal regime of communion of goods, the corresponding data of the spouse must also be provided. • the identity of the property for which the offer is being offered; • indication of the price offered, which can not be lower than the minimum price indicated, under penalty of exclusion; • the deadline for payment of price and tax charges, not exceeding 60 days, as well as the terms of payment of the prize and any other information relevant to the evaluation of the bids; • the express statement that you have read the assessment. In the envelope all documentation must be inserted. The deposit will be withheld if there is refusal to purchase. The offer presented in the auction is irrevocable. The amount of the tax burden will be indicated to the successful tenderer after the award and must be paid in the same period of the balance due. In the event of default, the sale will be canceled and the winning bidder will lose the deposit. If several tenders are valid, an offer will be made on the basis of the best offer. How to participate in a direct, verbal auction To participate in the auction, you must pay the security deposit equal to 10% of the base price in the time and according to the rules established by the competent court. The warranty is returned immediately after the end of the auction. • Auctions are not effective if they do not exceed the base price or the previous offer to the extent provided. • Tenders must be made in person or by a representative with a special power of attorney. • After the end of the auction, bids can still be made within ten days, but they are not effective if the price offered does not exceed one fifth of the bid price. • The sale must be paid within 60 days of the award by a bank check. The sale takes place in the factual and legal state in which the goods are located, with all the possible relevance, accessions, lands and actions, servitudes. The existence of any defect, lack of quality or non-conformity of the goods sold, costs of any kind – including, for example, those arising from the possible need to adapt the property to the laws in force, monthly payments for the current year and the previous year that are not paid by the debtor – for any reason not considered, even if hidden but not highlighted in the report, will not give rise to any refund. Costs and expenses for successful auction In addition to the auction price, only taxes are paid. The sale is not affected by notarial deeds, unless there is remuneration for a notary who carried out the auction by delegation of the court.

Unemployment rate falls in Italy, which is expected to stabilize house prices

The unemployment rate drops to 11.1% in April: minimum since 2012 To celebrate these are above all those who are over 50 years old: compared with the year 2016, there are 277 thousand more employees, thanks to the growth of 362,000 at work. The unemployment rate is stable among young people at 34 per cent. Net decrease in the unemployment rate in Italy: in April the figure of unemployed is down to 11.1 percent, down 0.4 percentage point in one month and 0, 6 points over the year, reaching a trough In September 2012. The annual decline is 4.8%, in the amount of -146,000. Among youth, the unemployment rate remains at 34%. Last month, the Italian labor market saw employment growth of 94,000 people. + 0.4% compared to March at 57.9% and the highest since 2009. But the statistics highlight a phenomenon that marked the resumption of work in Italy in recent times: the increase in employees – particularly for men, affects people over the age of 50, and to a lesser extent, those aged 25-34, while there is a decline in other age groups. Still on an annual basis, in April, the unemployed (-4.8%, equal to -146,000) and inactive (-1.4%, equal to -196,000) were reduced. Consequences for the real estate market If there are more workers, there are more people who can borrow to buy real estate. The real estate market can only benefit from a decrease in the unemployment rate. The chart below shows a decline in real estate prices in Milan from 2015, which had already begun to stabilize somewhat in recent months. Now let’s look at the chart showing the evolution of rent prices in Milan, again for the same period: the constant increase predicts that sales prices will soon follow the same direction of rent prices, because rents increase only when there is a corresponding increase in purchasing power. Increase that will benefit the price of real estate. Conclusion: it’s a good time to invest in real estate in Italy Indeed, given the economic recovery that seems to be consolidating, everything predicts that real estate prices have reached their bottom, and will start to rise, albeit slowly.

The obligation to keep auxiliary warehouse registers

The circumstances under which the law demands auxiliary warehouse registers According to the wording of Article 14 of Presidential Decree 600/1973 and Article 1 (1) of Presidential Decree 695/1996 taxpayers are required to keep auxiliary warehouse registers as of the second tax period following that in which, for the second consecutive time, the amount of the products and the total quantity of stocks are higher by 5,166,569 EURO and 1,032,914 EURO respectively. As a result, if an enterprise in years n and n + 1 has exceeded the above limits, the inventory accounting obligation will start from year n + 3 (second period after tax). In order to exclude the obligation to have to take over the daybook, the book of inventories and documents required for VAT their ancillary warehouse entries, you must then carry out a separate check of the two values indicated: Revenues and inventories. It becomes essential to understand, for both income and inventory, what items to include or exclude. In terms of turnover, considering that in the event of the start of the business or tax year not coinciding with the calendar year, the same should be converted into one year, should be taken into account: The proceeds from the disposition of the property and the provision of services; The proceeds from the sale of raw materials and semi-finished products; The consideration for the sale of non-mobile equipment; Fees for the sale of trading securities; The value of the goods that are consumed or destined for purposes other than those of the company; The insurance indemnity (for a discussion on remuneration see Tax Circular No. 18/2017) of commodities; The contributions due under the contract; Account / year contributions due according to the law. However, are excluded from the calculation: Capital gains; Potential assets; Account / capital contributions; The proceeds from the sale of mobile equipment; dividends; Interest income; Income from real estate. Please note that if multiple activities are exercised, the income to be taken into account are the total sum of the income from the individual activities. With regard to inventories, however, since these are the same rules for carrying out the activities referred to in the preceding paragraph, it should be noted that you should not update the accounting entries each year. For the elements included in the calculation, it is necessary to distinguish: Products whose production and exchange are commercial activities; Raw and auxiliary materials and semi-finished products; Work, supplies and services are performed at the end of the year. Credit-related securities are excluded. The obligation shall cease from the first tax period following that in which the amount of proceeds or the value of inventories for the second consecutive time is less than the limits indicated. Remember that auxiliary warehouse registers are not required for individual companies and companies that operate in simplified accounting, and business professionals. The legislature also excluded from the obligation to keep ancillary accounting of stocks: Retailers selling in places open to the public, in in-house stores or by automated equipment, mail-order, home or mobile; Persons who sell hotel services; Persons who sell food and beverages in public exercises, in company canteens or by vending machines. The obligation rests with these persons only if they use centralized warehouses which serve one or more shops and provided that at least one of them is situated in a different municipality from that where the activity is carried out. It was also pointed out that, in the case of the conduct of retail and wholesale activities carried out on the same premises, for the purpose of obligatory verification of the auxiliary entries of the warehouse, the same rules prevail as for retail trade. They are so-called freight companies or those that deal with the supply of goods and not their production. The wholesalers are obliged in any case to keep auxiliary records of the warehouse, while for retailers the considerations that precede apply.

Pension for divorce: the revolution of the Supreme Court

Divorce and separation: the criterion to be checked for the award of maintenance is autonomy and not the standard of living Thus, the Italian Supreme Court (Cassazione) in the judgment. 11504/17: “Support for divorce should not be given to those who are economically independent. In other words, to those who have incomes, assets, the real ability and opportunity to work and the stable availability of a home.” The Supreme Court establishes new standards for divorce verification: The criterion of independence or economic autonomy, and not the standard of living that they enjoyed during marriage, were to be used to award spousal support to whom needs it. Marriage ceases to be “a definitive economic arrangement”: to marry, says the Court, it is an “act of freedom and personal responsibility”. The Supreme Court rendered Judgment 11504, concerning a divorce between a former minister and an entrepreneur. The Supreme Court ruled that depriving the ex-wife of the former minister of the right to maintenance does not depend on the fact that she is supposed to have a sufficient income but on the fact that now times have changed and we must “go beyond the heritage concept of marriage understood as a final arrangement”. Indeed, “marriage” is now widely shared in social behavior as an act of personal freedom and responsibility, as well as a place of affection and communion of life, as such dissolvable. It must therefore be considered – concludes the Supreme Court – that there is no protected configurable legal interest of the former spouse to maintain the standard of living that he/she had during the marriage “. The Supreme Court has surpassed the previous consolidated jurisprudence, stating the independence and economic autonomy of the ex-partner who needs it as a parameter of the alimony. The Court has ruled that the standard of living that spouses enjoy during marriage is no longer a criterion to determinate the allowance of spousal support . “If it is determined – as can be read in the judgment  – that the applicant is financially independent or can be so, that right must not be recognized . This judgment is against a principle enshrined in 1970 by Law 898, which introduced the divorce in Italy. So this earthquake is a case law approach consistent with the guidelines of other European countries, where allowance of the alimony in case of divorce depends essentially on pacts before marriage.

Resolving a contract for non-performance in Italy

Non-fulfillment of obligations of a party leads to resolution of contract in Italy Termination of Contract for Non-Performance This is the case where the contract, at the request or initiative of the performing party, is resolved because of the non-performance of the obligations of the other party. It should be noted that, for a contract for which the main services are to be performed in Italy, the Italian contract law (lex loci) applies. The assumption is regulated in article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code. It responds to legal logic and reasons of common sense. Often, the resolution takes place amicably. In the event of a dispute, it’s better to rely on the services of an Italian lawyer, so as to properly apply Italian contract law. The assumption is regulated in article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code. It responds to legal logic and reasons of common sense. It is clear that if one party has fulfilled its obligations, it expects the other to do the same; faced with the persistent failure of one party, the other has two choices: 1. require performance of the obligations of the other party resulting from the contract; 2. terminate the contract. If the execution of the other party is still possible, the party who has already executed will still have an interest in its execution, but if the persistent incapacity causes him to lose confidence in the other party or In the case of an exception, the party having already executed may ask the judge to terminate the contract. However, this power of choice is not without limits. Article 1453 establishes a principle according to which: If you have requested the execution, you can still request the resolution, but if the resolution has been requested, then it is no longer possible to require the execution. Contrary to what happens in cases of nullity and cancellation of the contract, the resolution for non-performance is possible even if originally the contract had been concluded validly and was free from any defect. The types of contract resolution for non-performance indicated by the code are three: Termination for non-performance The first type of resolution is determined by the failure of one of the parties (which should not have little importance, as regards the diligent party’s interest, under art. 1455 CC). The non-defaulting party has the possibility to choose between the request for execution or the termination of the contract. In essence, the person who has fulfilled these obligations, in the event of default by the other party, may judicially bring two different types of actions: one aimed at obtaining satisfaction (see: action for performance of the contract) or another seeking to terminate his contract with a simultaneous claim for damages. There is also an alternative: a written notice can be given to the defaulting party, to comply within a reasonable time (which may not be less than fifteen days unless the parties otherwise agree or unless, taking into account the nature of the contract or according to usages, this appears a less appropriate term). This is a summation that, once this period has passed without success, the contract will be considered as definitively resolved. Unless the deadline expires, the contract is automatically terminated (without further activation by the diligent contracting party). With respect to effects, the termination of the contract for infringement shall have retroactive effect between the parties, with the exception of contracts for continuous or repeated performance, for which the effect of the resolution does not cover services already performed. Although it was expressly agreed, the resolution does not affect the rights acquired by third parties, subject to the effects of the transcription of the request for a resolution (see Article 1458 of the Civil Code). Let us summarize the characteristics of the failure that leads to the resolution. 1. must be attributable to a party; 2. must be relevant. On the second point, in fact, art. 1455 provides that: The contract cannot be resolved if the failure of one of the parties is of little importance in the interest of the other party. Termination of the contract for failure to perform A second type of resolution is that, once again in contracts with corresponding benefits, occurs when an execution has become impossible (for example, the object of a sale has been destroyed). Where the impossibility is only partial, the other party shall be entitled to a corresponding reduction in the benefit due by itself, and may also withdraw from the contract if it has no appreciable interest in the partial performance. Resolution for excessive toughness The last type of resolution, which is not applicable to random contracts, is governed by articles 1467 et following of the Civil Code. To this purpose, the legislature has provided that where the contract is in the course of continuous or periodic or deferred performance, if the performance of one of the parties has become excessively onerous for the occurrence of extraordinary and unforeseeable events, that party may request the termination of the contract, with the effects according to article 1458. “The Code, however, offers the party against whom the resolution is required a chance to avoid the resolution: it may offer to change the terms of the contract. So far, we have spoken of the judicial resolution, but the contract can be terminated very much without judicial intervention. We have three hypotheses: Notice to comply (Article 1454 CC), the non-defaulting party may give notice to the other party requesting the fulfillment of its obligations within a reasonable period of at least 15 days. After the expiry of this period, the contract will be terminated automatically without any judicial decisions. Express termination clause (Article 1456 CC) the parties may agree that a default of one or more specific obligations will lead to the termination of the contract. The resolution occurs when the creditor declares to the other party his intention to invoke the clause Essential term (Article 1457 (c)) if the obligation is not fulfilled in the period considered essential

Corporate confidence in Italy at its highest level since 2007

The economic climate is conducive to business in Italy Fourth consecutive increase in the corporate confidence index in Italy, which rose in April by more than two points (107.4) and reached the highest level since October 2007. There has been a sound growth, pushing manufacturing and construction (to obtain higher values ​​in both cases we must return to 2008), as well as for services and retail sales. The improvement of the industry is linked in particular to the intermediate goods, while are slightly decreasing the consumer and instrumental goods. However, the latter were the protagonists of a leap of nearly three points in the previous month. In general, evaluations on order books and production expectations have improved. There has been significant growth in the construction sector, which has been the worst hit by the crisis, where confidence has improved by nearly five percentage points to the peak of May 2008, a development that affects orders as well as expectations of employment. Italy is the second country in Europe for business confidence This is the landscape that emerges from the 17th edition (of February 2017) of the Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual survey conducted in 28 countries on a sample of 33 thousand people by the public relations agency Edelman. In the first place for trust in companies there is the Netherlands. Italy has confidence in companies as factors of social progress 78% of Italians believe in the social role of the corporate sector In addition, Italy (55%) is the second country in Europe with more confidence in the corporate sector after the Netherlands (60%). 78% of Italians believe that companies can take specific measures not only to increase profits, but also to benefit the economic and social growth of the communities where they operate, and the company is the category with more confidence among the Italians. Add to this that Italy is the first in Europe for the creation of enterprises among young people. More than twice Germany: companies with CEOs under 40 years of age are 1.15 million in all, with a positive balance of 50,000 new cases in the first nine months of this year, at the rate of 325 openings per day. Young Italians are the most ingenious in terms of launching new businesses, especially in the South and in the retail sector. And with great interest back in agriculture.

Tax deductions for the renovation of buildings

Tax deductions for the house The table summarizes the tax deductions – valid for 2017 – for the renovation of buildings, the purchase of furniture, energy savings and anti-seismic measures as foreseen on the basis of the budget law which has just been published in the Official Journal. Here are all tax deductions for the house valid in Italy for 2017, and probably far beyond CONSTRUCTION REDUCTION (Deduction of income tax) – For individual residential property units: extraordinary maintenance, preservation and restoration, renovation of buildings – For common areas of residential buildings: routine maintenance, extraordinary maintenance, preservation and restoration, renovation of buildings – The construction of garages or parking places, the elimination of architectural barriers, the sanitation of asbestos, works to prevent domestic accidents, measures to prevent illegal acts, etc., wiring of buildings. Maximum amount of expenditure for the calculation of the deduction – from 26.6.2012 to 31.12.2017 = 96,000 € – dall’1.1.2018 = 48,000 € The measurement of the deduction (gross tax) – from 26.6.2012 to 31.12.2017 = 50%, in ten annual installments – dall’1.1.2018 = 36%, in ten annual installments Accessories and Furniture and Major Appliances (Deduction of Income Tax) Purpose of the Fund – Purchase of furniture and “major household appliances” (eg refrigerators and dishwashers.) At least A + (A for ovens), for equipment for which the energy label is intended, finalized to the furnishing of the building under renovation. Maximum amount of expenditure for the calculation of the deduction (A) from 06.06.2013 to 31.12.2017 = EUR 10 000 (the costs covered by this measure are calculated for the enjoyment of the tax deduction, irrespective of the amount of expenditure incurred for renovation work benefiting from the deductions from income tax) (B) from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2016 = EUR 16 000 of expenditure documented for the purchase of furniture and furniture for the main residence for young couples (forming a married or cohabiting fcouple as husband and wife, at least three years, in which one of the two did not exceed 35 years) purchasers of real estate units to use as their principal residence “. This benefit may not be combined with the measure referred to in paragraph (a). Measurement of the deduction (gross tax) – from 06.06.2013 to 31.12.2016 = 50%, in 10 annual installments – from 1.1.2016 until 31.12.2016 = (young couples for furniture purchase) 50%, in 10 annual installments – from 1.1.2017 until 31.12.2017 = 50% of the costs referred to in point (a) in 10 annual installments incurred in the year 2017 limited to the resumption of housing in the year 2016 or has started in 2016 and will continue in 2017 Measures for energy saving (Income tax deduction / IRES) Purpose of the Fund – Interventions aimed at the rehabilitation of buildings – from 1.1.2016 are also deductible expenses incurred for the purchase, installation and implementation of multimedia devices for the remote control of heating or hot water or air conditioning housing units,  and tools to increase awareness of energy consumption by users and to ensure efficient operation. Maximum amount of deduction – from 06.06.2013 to 31.12.2017 = interventions to reduce the energy requirements of existing buildings: 100,000 euros; Interventions on walls, windows (including frames) on existing buildings: 60,000 euros; Installation of solar panels: EUR 60 000; Replacement of winter heating systems: EUR 30 000 – from 1.1.2018 apply the rules and limits of interventions related to the renovation of buildings The measurement of the deduction (gross tax) – from 06.06.2013 to 31.12.2017 = 65%, in 10 annual installments – dall’1.1.2018 = 36%, in 10 annual installments Particularly important energy saving measures (Income Tax Deduction / IRES) Purpose of the Fund – energy-saving measures with respect to the common parts of condominiums under sections 1117 (condominium) and 1117-one (super condominium) of the Civil Code or affecting all the units that make up the individual condo Maximum amount of deduction – from 06/06/2013 to 31/12/2021 = interventions to reduce the energy requirements of existing buildings: 100,000 euros; Interventions on walls, windows (including frames) on existing buildings: 60,000 euros; Installation of solar panels: EUR 60 000; Replacement of winter heating systems: 30,000 – From 1.1.2022 apply the rules and limits of interventions related to the renovation of buildings The measurement of the deduction (gross tax) – from 06.06.2013 to 31.12.2016 = 65%, in 10 annual installments – dall’1.1.2017 = 36%, in 10 annual installments Claims assigned to suppliers For expenses incurred in the redevelopment of the common areas of condominiums, the persons who are in the “no tax zone” (retired, employed and self-employed), instead of the deduction Of the gross tax may be used to transfer the credit corresponding to the suppliers who carried out the work. PARTICULAR MEASURES TO SAVE ENERGY ON PARTS OF COMMON COMMODITIES (Income Tax Deduction / IRES) Purpose of the Fund (A) improving the energy efficiency of interventions in common areas of dwelling units that affect the building envelope with an incidence greater than 25% of the gross area of ​​the building of the same dispersant (B) improvement of energy efficiency measures for common areas of dwelling units designed to improve the winter of energy performance and in summer and with the least average quality referred to in D. Mr. Ministère du Développement économique 26.6.’15 Maximum amount of expenditure for the calculation of the deduction – Dall’1.1.2017 until 31/12/2021 = 40 000 € multiplied by the number of building units that make up the building – From 1.1.2022 apply the rules and limits of interventions related to the renovation of buildings The measurement of the deduction (gross tax) – From 1.1.2017 until 31/12/2021 = 70%, for the expenditure referred to in point (a), in 10 annual installments – From 1.1.2017 until 31/12/2021 = 75% of the expenditure referred to in point (b), in 10 annual installments – dall’1.1.2022 = 36%, in 10 annual installments Oath The existence of the conditions set out in (a) and (b) shall be subject to oath by qualified professionals through certification of the energy performance of

Italians are the healthiest people in the world (according to Bloomberg)

For a long life and health, Italy is the place to live In the Bloomberg ranking, Italy happens to be the first country out of 163. Among the indicators, the quality and the life span. Not only counts wealth, but also counts the Mediterranean diet. Surprisingly, the peninsula, despite the crisis and the shaky economy, won the title of healthiest country in the world, jumping up the Global Health Bloomberg Index, first in the ranking of 163 countries with a score of 93.11 per cent. All countries in the index are ranked according to different variables: life expectancy, causes of death, health risks such as high blood pressure, smoking, availability of clean water and malnutrition. Life expectancy A child born in Italy can expect to live at least 80 years of age, compared with 52 in Sierra Leone, in the last place. Bloomberg also takes into account the quality of life. Italy, with 93 points, also exceeds other nations known for their longevity: those of Northern Europe (Iceland, the second at 91.21 points, Sweden at 88.92), those of Eastern Europe 89.15 Japan, Singapore 90.23). Spain is sixth with 89.19 points. Economic crisis Italy has been copingwith weak economic growth for decades, nearly 40% of young people are unemployed and is crushed by one of the highest public debt in the world. Yet, Italians are better than Americans, Canadians and British, most affected by high blood pressure, cholesterol, and mental disorders. Strengths: Physicians and Nutrition Among the strengths, the high number of doctors and especially the diet, rich in vegetables with extra virgin olive oil. Italy would even have “an excess of doctors,” says Tom Kenyon, medical director and head of the global organization Project Hope. “Not surprisingly, one of the most durable and followed television series is called “A Doctor in the Family”. But even that will be a criterion? According to Bloomberg Italy would indeed have a surplus of doctors. The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) in 2016 analyzed the total number of people in the world who are concerned with assistance and medical care. In Italy, there are 3.9 doctors per 1000 inhabitants. Italy, which ranks fifth in this special ranking, behind Greece (6.29 doctors per 1000 inhabitants), Austria (4.9), Germany (4.05) and Switzerland (4.04). A surprising number, however, are the everyday controversies about the objective lack of staff in Italian hospitals. The situation was created due to a lack of renewal of the generations of medical staff after the entry of the closed number in the Faculty of Medicine in 1999. Physicians are more numerous in Germany, despite that, in the ranking of Bloomberg this country, which enjoys an excellent economy, is only at the 16th place. Iceland and Switzerland on the podium To share the podium with Italy are Iceland and Switzerland, followed by Singapore and Australia. The United States is in 34th place, due to the overweight and obesity epidemic in North America, with a score of 73.05 out of 100. Far from our 93.11 out of 100.

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