Notre nouvelle maison dans les Pouilles

Nous avons acheté un terrain dans les Pouilles pour y construire une maison. Nous savions comment nous y prendre en France mais en Italie les choses se sont révélées très différentes. Lorsque nous avons croisé notre premier problème, nous avons eu la chance qu’un ami nous conseille Marco Marragia. Depuis il nous aide à chaque […]

What attracts foreign investment to Italy

Foreign investment in Italy, latest trends There are several factors that could have a positive effect on the attractiveness of Italy, but the necessary reforms must be carried out. Italy is becoming less and less attractive to foreign investors. The country loses positions in international rankings, and the AIBE index, developed by Censis (the National […]

Purchasing real estate at the judicial auction in Italy

Property can be purchased at bargain prices at judicial auctions Given that the financial situation of more than 10% of Italian families is rather precarious or disastrous, with many foreclosures, the amount of real estate offered at auction is very important. So there is a way to do good business, often well below the market […]

Unemployment rate falls in Italy, which is expected to stabilize house prices

The unemployment rate drops to 11.1% in April: minimum since 2012 To celebrate these are above all those who are over 50 years old: compared with the year 2016, there are 277 thousand more employees, thanks to the growth of 362,000 at work. The unemployment rate is stable among young people at 34 per cent. […]

The obligation to keep auxiliary warehouse registers

The circumstances under which the law demands auxiliary warehouse registers According to the wording of Article 14 of Presidential Decree 600/1973 and Article 1 (1) of Presidential Decree 695/1996 taxpayers are required to keep auxiliary warehouse registers as of the second tax period following that in which, for the second consecutive time, the amount of […]

Pension for divorce: the revolution of the Supreme Court

Divorce and separation: the criterion to be checked for the award of maintenance is autonomy and not the standard of living Thus, the Italian Supreme Court (Cassazione) in the judgment. 11504/17: “Support for divorce should not be given to those who are economically independent. In other words, to those who have incomes, assets, the real […]

Resolving a contract for non-performance in Italy

Non-fulfillment of obligations of a party leads to resolution of contract in Italy Termination of Contract for Non-Performance This is the case where the contract, at the request or initiative of the performing party, is resolved because of the non-performance of the obligations of the other party. It should be noted that, for a contract […]

Corporate confidence in Italy at its highest level since 2007

The economic climate is conducive to business in Italy Fourth consecutive increase in the corporate confidence index in Italy, which rose in April by more than two points (107.4) and reached the highest level since October 2007. There has been a sound growth, pushing manufacturing and construction (to obtain higher values ​​in both cases we […]

Tax deductions for the renovation of buildings

Tax deductions for the house The table summarizes the tax deductions – valid for 2017 – for the renovation of buildings, the purchase of furniture, energy savings and anti-seismic measures as foreseen on the basis of the budget law which has just been published in the Official Journal. Here are all tax deductions for the […]

Italians are the healthiest people in the world (according to Bloomberg)

For a long life and health, Italy is the place to live In the Bloomberg ranking, Italy happens to be the first country out of 163. Among the indicators, the quality and the life span. Not only counts wealth, but also counts the Mediterranean diet. Surprisingly, the peninsula, despite the crisis and the shaky economy, […]

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