Italy’s real estate prices per square meter

If you have a budget of 200,000 euros, how many square meters of real estate will you buy in one of the big Italian cities? This is an analysis of the Tecnocasa group which say it. The real estate group’s design office looked at the 10 big cities and the “average used” value of a […]

2018 Italian Budget Law: there are many home bonuses!

In the new Budget Law there is room for home bonuses. Let’s see what are the changing agendas and the remaining ones. Ecobonus 65% – For the whole of 2018, the ecobonus was confirmed at 65% for energy efficiency in the home. But it changes the perimeter of incentives: the installation of fixtures, solar shields […]

Patient and thorough advocate

When it comes to legal matters it’s important to get it right. For this reason I went to Marco Magaraggia for advice. I had heard from English -speaking friends that as well as being an excellent lawyer he could also speak fluent English. I found him to be friendly, helpful and efficient. Even though I […]

The Italian real estate market keeps improving

The improvement in the Italian real estate market is slight but steady. At the 52nd National Congress of Notaries, the “statistical report on notaries” was presented for the first half of the year. The report reveals an interesting view of the Italian real estate market. In particular, in terms of sales, it is still the […]

Investing in real estate in Italy: the consequences of global warming

  The consequences of global warming in Italy are before everyone’s eyes. Here are a few : Summer temperatures remain very high for several weeks, especially in large cities. During July and August 2017, Bologna, for example, experienced maximum temperatures above 35 ° during most of these months. In the same period, most Italian cities, […]

Municipal taxes in Italy for 2018: Imu, Tasi, Tari

Imu, Tari and Tasi: tell me in which region you live and I will tell you how much they cost you Municipal taxes are important in Italy, although cheaper than property taxes and housing taxes in France. In particular, in Liguria. And the most important tax is Imu, with an average cost of 197 euros. […]

Industrial production increases, boding well for real estate

Increase in industrial production in June. According to Istat, the Italian State Statistics Institute, the seasonally adjusted index rose 1.1% from May, adjusted for calendar effects. In June 2017, the index increased in trend terms by 5.3% (working days are 21, as in June 2016), at the upper end since the end of last year. […]

The deep evolution of the Italian real estate market

  Housing is no longer a safe haven for the younger generations The brick no longer seems to be the safe investment property, especially for the younger generation. The purchase of the house no longer seems to be a priority, due to the economic conditions that have changed for the so-called millenials, generations roughly 25 […]

Houses to be restructured in Italy, real estate investment opportunities

  How the housing market changes due to redevelopment and urban restructuring In Italy, no new houses are being built, while the Italian housing stock is outdated, as it was mostly built before 1990. The demand for rental and purchase of real estate changes, as 2 million square meters of housing remain empty in Italy. […]

Real estate foreign investments boom in Italy in 1st half 2017

Why foreign investors invest in real estate in Italy Six main reasons for investing in real estate in Italy if you are a foreigner There are plenty of creative Italian companies that are exporting a lot, at relatively competitive prices. These same companies are often bought by foreigners at reasonable prices Italy is beautiful, rich […]

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