My house in Puglia and Basilicata

Marco managed the purchase of our land in Puglia and our house in Basilicata with great professionalism. He helped us to understand the procedures and dealt with the officials, interpreting from English to Italian as required. We will use him in the future and would not hesitate to recommend the firm to others.’ Hilary Shenton […]

His professional advice on the Italian legal system was invaluable!

Marco Magaraggia assisted us in the purchase of our house in 2007 and two years later assisted in resolving a boundary dispute with our neighbour. With the assistance of our Geometra he identified the official boundary line and visited our neighbour to resolve the dispute amicably. We later sought his advice on the subject of […]

Dozza, an Italian village that’s an open sky art gallery

The walls of this town atop a hill are embellished with beautiful frescoes Click on images to enlarge : The medieval village of Dozza, one of the hundred “Most Beautiful Villages of Italy”, located south of Bologna, 6 km from Imola on the crest of a hill, overlooking the river valley and slopes gently towards […]

Italy is the 12th best loved country in the world

The 2016 country reputation ranking The countries with the highest reputation worldwide have been ranked by the Reputation Institute in its annual Country RepTrak index. A ranking to be proud of According to the Reputation Institute, Italy ranks 12th. This is great, if you are to consider that there are about 200 countries in the world and […]

Debt laden Italian banks render Italian real estate cheaper

The weakness of Italian banks, an opportunity for foreign investors? Italian banks have an estimated $360 billion worth of bad credit. Those are loans that will be hard to be rebate by the doors, since their financial or economic recitation doesn’t allow the stipulated payments. It is calculated that about $200 billion worth of loans […]

Neighbor dispute

Twee jaar geleden moest ik op zoek naar een advocaat hier in Puglia, omwille van een burendispuut met betrekking tot roerend en onroerend goed. Via een vriend kwam ik in contact met Meester Marco van het advocatenkantoor Studio Legale Magaraggia in Lecce. Een zeer integer man die Ik graag wil bedanken voor zijn correcte hulp […]

The Italian real estate market recovers slightly in the 2Q of 2016

The last real estate Observatory of Nomisma, one of Italy’s most prestigious think tanks, evidences that the interest of Italians is no longer limited to the residential sector in recent months: investment in real estate for companies has also grown. While noting a slight recovery in the housing market, in place for several years and […]

Italian real estate market back on a growth path

In 2015, in Italy, the real estate housing market, after the long, steep descent observed since 2007, seems to be back on a growth path (449,000 standardized transactions), confirming and passing (6.5%), the positive figure of the previous year (421,000). This is what we read in the report of the Revenue Agency for real estate […]

Rental income tax – a more favorable rate applies from 2016 on

In the STABILITY LAW 2016, a new Flat-Rate Tax Scheme favors landlords The flat-rate tax scheme, first introduced into the Italian tax system by Stability Law 2015, has been modified and made more practical and favourable in the 2016 Stability Law. The government’s aims for introducing the flat-rate tax scheme are to boost employment, steer Italy’s economic recovery […]

Bouwgrond in Polignano

Beste Marco, Verleden week ben ik eigenaar geworden van een bouwgrond in Polignano. Mede door uw goede zorgen en bijstand is dit (tumult bij de eerste notaris ten spijt) zeer goed en correct verlopen. U heeft alles in zeer goede banen geleid en door uw tussenkomst ben ik van zeer veel discussies, vertaalwerk, opzoekwerk enz. […]

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